Portfolio Categories: Scultpure

- By Megan
RIP conveys life’s essence through a river motif, utilizing reclaimed burlap, household paint, and a wooden canvas. I transformed these materials to create a river scene that flows with vitality […]

Waters We Hold
- By Megan
Just as water fills the voids of the earth, a hollowed figure shows a sense of fullness and emptiness. Made with repurposed burlap and painted in shades of blue Waters […]

- By Megan
Just as heliocentrism was once considered fake news, climate change seems to be following closely in its footsteps. While the earth heats up, so do opposing views. Through repurposing burlap […]

Horsepower (SOLD)
- By Megan
This artwork is inspired by my own personal experiences of the West. I have shaped the details of this sculpture to reflect an abstract expression so others can feel “their” […]

La Sangre se Hincha/The Blood Flows
- By Megan
Walt Whitman’s poem “I Sing the Body Electric” celebrates the human body and spirit, challenging the societal norms and conventional views of his time. His poem exalts the physical body, […]